As Course Instructor

Fall 2024 Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy

Fall 2024 Topics in Early Modern Philosophy 

Winter 2025 Philosophy of Race 

Winter 2025 Ethics

Winter 2025 Topics in Continental Philosophy

Summer 2021 Introduction to Philosophy  (Online, synchronous)

Spring 2020 Seminar in continental philosophy (Co-taught with Willie Goetschel)

As Teaching Assistant 

2023-2024 17th & 18th Century Philosophy

Summer 2023 Human Sexuality 

Fall 2022. Philosophy of Race

Winter 2022. Human Nature

Fall 2021. Human Nature

2020-2021. 17th & 18th Century Philosophy

2019-2020. 17th & 18th Century Philosophy 

Summer 2020. Intro. Continental Philosophy 

Fall 2018. Intro. Continental Philosophy 

Spring 2017. Kant 

Additional Teaching Qualifications 

2022-Present Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificate at the Center for Teaching Support and Innovation, University of Toronto

"Caitlin was fantastic. Her tutorials were always engaging, with lots of discussion and simple, intuitive explanations for even the most complicated ideas in the course."

 - Anonymous Student 


"Caitlin, my TA, is seriously fabulous. Her handouts and the tutorials she held (the ones I was able to attend) were always more gratifying than the lectures. I also visited her in office hours and she was very patient with my questions and informative." - Anonymous Student